Fifth call for shareholders to submit share documents

Fifth summons of ZPC SKAWA S.A. shareholders
to submit their share documents for dematerialization /MSiG No. 215 item 59944 of November 3, 2020/.

The Management Board of ZPC "SKAWA" S.A. with its seat in Wadowice (hereinafter "the Company") in connection with Article 16 of the Act of August 30, 2019 amending the Act - Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1798), calls for the fifth time on all shareholders of the Company to submit their share documents for dematerialization.

The validity of the share documents issued by the Company expires by operation of law on March 1, 2021.
As of the same date, the entries in the shareholder register become effective.

Share documents should be submitted to the Company's headquarters in Wadowice, at 1 Dr. J. Putka Street, 34-100 Wadowice, on business days from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Submission of share documents will be made against a written receipt issued to the shareholder.